The Concept


The Silence Breakers

As a high school student I was very involved in my high school’s chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) where we learned about different issues concerning women and other minorities. It is there that I first held in my hand TIME’s 2017 edition of their “Person of the Year: The Silence Breakers” and was inspired to create a Public Service Announcements encouraging abuse victims to break the associated culture of silence. After talking about the idea with my high school NOW president, Stephanie Tang, we became determined to make this project a reality


Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence

Our goal was not only to raise awareness about the subject of domestic violence, but to provide victims with the resources they would need to find help and a community of support. We found that community in the organization "Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence", whom we contacted short after we developed the idea.

After several months of communicating "Break the Silence" became a large contributor to our film and gave us the opportunity to not only use their logo, but work with their team to develop a stronger message and effective public service announcement turned commercial. 

The Product


For the PSA I acted as the producer and writer, taking in the feedback from the "Break the Silence" organization and utilizing it in all aspects of the production.

While working with the organization we also realized just how important proper representation would be in providing the audience an accurate view of domestic violence situations and showing victims that they are not alone. As a result, our three actors were of three different generation with each one representing a different type of abuse.

The PSA ends with a culmination of voices saying "Break the Silence" and the organization's logo, thus fulfilling our goal of providing victims with the necessary resources and sense of support. 

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Nominated for Best PSA at the "All American High School Film Festival"

  • Largest Student Film Festival in the world

  • Shown in Times Square in October 2019 to audience of roughly one thousand people

Collective 400,000+ views across Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube. 

  • Posted by the official "Beak the Silence Against Domestic Violence" Instagram on where it has amassed 392,000+ views since August 4th, 2019 after film festival nomination

  • Posted on "BTSADV" Facebook page after submission to the Orange County Film Festival 

  • Most popular video ever posted by "Break the Silence" and has brought in many new visitors to their website. 
